Карточка издания: Religious emblems, being a series of engravings on wood, executed by the first artists in that line, from designs drawn on the blocks themselves
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Книга: Religious emblems, being a series of engravings on wood, executed by the first artists in that line, from designs drawn on the blocks themselves

Авторы: Thurston John
Название: Religious emblems, being a series of engravings on wood, executed by the first artists in that line, from designs drawn on the blocks themselves
Другие лица: Text Thomas John
Издательство: London: T.Bensley, 1809
Страницы: 108 c.
Языки документа: англ.
Другие количественные характеристики: ил.
Примечания: Напеч. на одной стороне листа
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: БФ 1/315, Инв.№: 010002088

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