Карточка издания: In memoriam of the Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril: Unknown documentary evidence about the bulgarian towns Drjanovo, Gabrovo and Kilifarevo in the Archive of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi.. Etudes balkaniques, An.37 N.1 /2001: An.37 N.1 /2001
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Статья: In memoriam of the Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril: Unknown documentary evidence about the bulgarian towns Drjanovo, Gabrovo and Kilifarevo in the Archive of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi.. Etudes balkaniques, An.37 N.1 /2001: An.37 N.1 /2001

Авторы: Pavlikianov Cyril
Название: In memoriam of the Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril: Unknown documentary evidence about the bulgarian towns Drjanovo, Gabrovo and Kilifarevo in the Archive of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi.. Etudes balkaniques, An.37 N.1 /2001: An.37 N.1 /2001
Место издания: Sofia 2001
Страницы: С. 55 - 70.
Языки документа: англ.
Входит в: Etudes balkaniques An.37 N.1 /2001

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