Карточка издания: The Knowledge about the "Inhabited Lands" m oikoumevn, (въселкната) in the Medieval Bulgaria. Bulgarian historical review, 1999, N 3-4 1999: 1999, N 3-4 1999
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Статья: The Knowledge about the "Inhabited Lands" m oikoumevn, (въселкната) in the Medieval Bulgaria. Bulgarian historical review, 1999, N 3-4 1999: 1999, N 3-4 1999

Авторы: Colova Cvetana
Название: The Knowledge about the "Inhabited Lands" m oikoumevn, (въселкната) in the Medieval Bulgaria. Bulgarian historical review, 1999, N 3-4 1999: 1999, N 3-4 1999
Место издания: 1999
Карточки каталога:
Количественная характеристика: C. 117-123
Входит в: Bulgarian historical review 1999, N 3-4 1999

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