Карточка издания: Reconstruction of the other: Continuity and change in Czech - Sudeten German relations since the "Velvet revolution".
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Книга (аналит. описание): Reconstruction of the other: Continuity and change in Czech - Sudeten German relations since the "Velvet revolution".

Авторы: Wingfield Nancy Meriwether
Название: Reconstruction of the other: Continuity and change in Czech - Sudeten German relations since the "Velvet revolution".
Издательство: Basingstoke,London,New York: 2000
Страницы: C. 279 - 295.
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Языки документа: англ.
Входит в: Ethnic and national issues in Russian and East European history: Selected papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European studies, Warsaw, 1995

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