Карточка издания: The foundation of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa: The Byzantine origin of the Second Archdiocese in Hungary.
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Книга (аналит. описание): The foundation of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa: The Byzantine origin of the Second Archdiocese in Hungary.

Авторы: Baan Istvan
Название: The foundation of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa: The Byzantine origin of the Second Archdiocese in Hungary.
Издательство: Warszawa: 1997
Страницы: C. 67 - 73.
Уточнить шифр: Уточнить шифр
Входит в: Early Christianity in Central and East Europe: Congress of Commiss. intern. d'histoire ecclesiastique comparee, Lublin, 2-6 Sept. 1996

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