Карточка издания: The fourth National convention of the workers (communist) party of America Report of the Central Executive Committee to the 4th National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, aug. 21st to 30th 1925
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Книга: The fourth National convention of the workers (communist) party of America Report of the Central Executive Committee to the 4th National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, aug. 21st to 30th 1925

Авторы: Communist party of the USA. National convention (4; 1925; Chicago)
Название: The fourth National convention of the workers (communist) party of America Report of the Central Executive Committee to the 4th National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, aug. 21st to 30th 1925
Издательство: Washington: Daily worker publ. Co, 1925
Карточки каталога:
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: КН 275 Амер/R44, Инв.№: 0712643
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: КН 10 САСШ/С73, Инв.№: 0712642

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