Карточка издания: The King's library: This libr. coll. by King George III was given to the Brit. nation by George IV in the thirs year of his reign A.D. 1823
Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России

Книга: The King's library: This libr. coll. by King George III was given to the Brit. nation by George IV in the thirs year of his reign A.D. 1823

Авторы: Paintin Elaine M.
Название: The King's library: This libr. coll. by King George III was given to the Brit. nation by George IV in the thirs year of his reign A.D. 1823
Издательство: Wetherby: The British Library, 1989
Страницы: 32 c.
Языки документа: англ.
Другие количественные характеристики: ил.
Bibliogr.:c. 31-32
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: Н 50/783, Инв.№: 000158301

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