Карточка издания: The constitution and finance of english, scottich and irish Joint-Stock companies to 1720. Vol. 2: Companies for foreign trade, colonization, fishing and mining
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Книга: The constitution and finance of english, scottich and irish Joint-Stock companies to 1720. Vol. 2: Companies for foreign trade, colonization, fishing and mining

Авторы: Scott William Robert
Название: The constitution and finance of english, scottich and irish Joint-Stock companies to 1720. Vol. 2: Companies for foreign trade, colonization, fishing and mining
Издательство: Б.м.: Б. и., 1910
Карточки каталога:
Тома: Vol. 2
Входит в: The constitution and finance of english, scottich and irish Joint-Stock companies to 1720
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: И 144 /591, Инв.№: 0848658

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