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Книга: The Baltc States at historical crossroads
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The Baltc States at historical crossroads
Acad. of sci. of Latvia,
Карточки каталога:
"Ex iniuria ius non oritur" and the Baltic case: a brief Western perspective
A Baltic military alliance: an opinion on the military integration of the Baltic States
A Baltic presence at the League of Nations
An interview with Dietrich Loeber
Aspects of foreign policy orientation in the Baltic States: experience of Lithuania
Baltic accession to the European Union: challenge and opportunity
Baltic cooperation after the First World War: independence through integration
Baltic-Russian cooperation during the restoration of independence (1990 until the 1991 putch)
Barriers to Baltic cooperation - opportunities for surmounting them
Cooperation between the Baltic States and the Central European countries: problems and prospects
Establishment of an intellectual entente in the Baltic States
Harmonization of the legal systems of Latvia and the European Union (Community) and problems associated with the implementation of the principles of a law - based states
In memory of August Loeber and in connection with the 75th anniversary of Dietrich Loeber
Latvian human rights iaws in the context of the European Human Rights Convention
Nationaliti policy in the Baltic States
Pre-war Latvia and the establishment of the Israeli state
Review of scientific research works, published by August Loeber
Russia and the Baltic states: security aspects
Russia, the Baltic states and the European Union
Russian and Polish policies in the Baltic States from 1933 to 1935
Russians in contemporary Estonia - different strategies of the integration into the nation-state
Russia's national interests and the dynamics of Russo-Baltic relations
Steadfast believers in a free and democratic Latvia - the central council of Latvia and the Stockholm newspaper "Latvju Zinas"
The Baltic issue in the eyes of Swedish journalists and commentators
The cultural and historical heritage of Baltic Germans and results and prospects of research in the field
The development of Lithuania's parties and their international contacts
The development of relations between the Baltic States and Israel
The Kaliningrad oblast in the context of Baltic Sea regional security
The new constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in the context of the European law system
The new Estonian Constitution of 1992 in the context of European law
The occupation of the Baltic States from a present-day perspective
The political activities of Baltic Germans in Latvia 1918-1940: discussions in the historical literature
The Russian factor in regional security
The Soviet Union's interests in the Baltic, Finland and Norway: a retrospective analysis
Treasures from the "Baltika" archives in the German Federative Republic
World economic growth and the Baltic States
Фонд: КХ, Шифр: Н 29/321, Инв.№: 0100421
Дополнительная информация
Балтийские государства, 1991 г.- (48)
Сборники изданные "в честь", "в память" (51)
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